A lot of us will be looking forward to a few extra well earned days off over the Easter weekend, and with restrictions slightly lifted it is the perfect time to meet up with our friends for a picnic, or spend the weekend at home eating chocolate and lots of delicious food. After the year we have all had it has definitely become about making the most of all the celebrations, and getting dressed up at any opportunity we can. Over the next few days it is the perfect excuse to put on some gorgeous clothes, take off the loungewear and activewear and make an effort.
The time has come where everyone is over the loungewear, we want to feel good again and put on a dress, do our hair and feel fabulous. This Easter is the perfect excuse. One dress that is perfect for the occasion is the Ruby dress. The beautiful clashing prints work so well together to bring a pop of colour to your outfit. The colours compliment each other so well and make it the perfect dress no matter the weather. It’s easy and comfortable to wear for an effortless look around the house, or even for a picnic in the park with friends. You could pair it with an oversized cashmere or a cool jacket for an easy look.
Another classic and Primrose Park favourite has to be our bestselling Sandy shirt. The Mystical leaves print is such a beautiful one to choose. The pastel colours and the print really signify spring and the start of the warmer weather. You can layer your jewellery perfectly with the open neckline of the shirt. This is a perfect shirt to keep casual and pair with your best jeans or if you are looking for something a bit more funky it looks so great paired with the kylie trousers as shown in the picture below or even team it with a colourful skirt. It is a great way for adding some colour to your outfit, and no doubt you will get a few compliments on it too!
If you are looking for some recipe inspiration for the Easter weekend, this absolutely divine cake from Donna Hay is the perfect place to start. It is so light and fresh and a perfect dessert to follow on from a Sunday roast. A lemon and blueberry cake, so simple yet so delicious. Easter weekend is all about indulgence so this is the perfect treat for that, aside from all the chocolate that may be consumed too!
Have a lovely Easter weekend, enjoying delicious food and getting dressed up and making yourself feel good. It is time to get out of our activewear and put on some gorgeous outfits, It won’t be long and we will be back in the shops doing what we love and buying the beautiful clothes in person, how exciting is that!